
We have a confirmed pregnancy and we are starting to look forward to the puppies with Dastik.. It will be a happy spring :)

Parents info:

Barunka od Chuchelské dráhy :

Dasty z Osoblažského lesa :

From today we have another Czech Champion in our dog family.😉🙂 Adélka, a puppy from our breeding kennel Klánovický les and Abbinky's sister and big friend, scored at the Brno National Dog Show today, January 10, 2025; intermediate class; Excellent 1, CAC and the title of Czech Champion.
We are planning a 2nd litter of puppies in 2025. If everything goes well, then in March... Information will eventually be on the website of the Leonberger Breeders Club.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The club calendar for 2025 is here and it is full of beautiful photos. On the middle page our A puppy Beník with a pink teapot, Fialka on the top right and Archie with Gerry below :)

Archie and Abby are junior champions

15.9.2024  we participated in the International Dog Show in Klatovy, details in the Exhibitions section.

29.9. 2024We are looking forward to the Club event - Exhibition in Rychety in Prague.

  • 6.-8.9. Club event Nová Živohošť 

Alík succesfully completed the evaluation.

1.6.2024 Leonberger event Ostružno u Jičína 

14.4.2024 International Dog show České Budějovice 

A large group of siblings and parents from our kennel Klanovický les gathered at the show. It was a very pleasant meeting crowned with beautiful show successes. More in the show section.

Birthday celebrations 

27.4.2024 our A puppies celebrate their 1st Birthdays!
Today 26.2.2024 Barča turns 5.. 🎂🐶🐶

Club Show Prague - Uhříněves 1.10.2023

After almost a month, we had the opportunity to see each other again  and chat. The show was more than successful. The puppies received a great rating and took home a lot of medals - males Artur Max and Archie 1st and 2nd place. Females Adélka, Amelie Fialka and Abby 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. More information in the Shows section.

Autumn Leonberger Club event 9.9.2023

Autumn meeting of the Leonberger club in Junior Camp Nová Živohošť: the puppies saw each other again after a 2-month summer break. We walked in a circle at the parade of this year's litters of puppies, where we received applause. Then we went swimming on the dog beach and had a great time. It was a very pleasant meeting..


On April 27, 2023, litter A was born to us - 5 males and 4 females. Barča is a proud mother who does not move from them. Sometimes in the middle of the night she thinks of going to enjoy the happily sleeping babies and wakes them up, so none of us are getting much sleep at the moment :) The babies are very photogenic and do quite funny things, when we have a moment, we will try to share the current events here on the website (Litters section)...

We wish all dog lovers a happy New Year! We are planning our first puppies this year. As soon as there is any news, we will inform you immediately:)